Innovating for a Peaceful Tomorrow.

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Peace Tech will bring together thinkers, shapers and innovators redefining the tech industry.

Join us in Vienna this September.


Plus Math

How can I pay for my ticket?

We accept payment via credit card, PayPal, direct debit, and Klarna. Payment via invoice is only available on request, with a minimum purchase amount for invoice payments of 1,000€ net.

Plus Math

Can I buy passes on behalf of my team members?

Yes you can. After purchasing the tickets you can assign each ticket to different owners by personalizing each of them. Please make sure to use an individual email addresse for each user. Additionally, you can forward the tickets to the respective attendees for personalization.

Plus Math

Can I transfer a ticket to another person?

Yes. If a ticket has already been assigned you can re-assign the ticket until two weeks before the event. To do so please use the link in the email you received after your purchase. Pro-Tip: Search for “Vivenu” in your email program.

Plus Math

Is there a guaranteed number of meetings I will get with hosted buyers if I have an approporiate ticket?

We don’t guarantee a minimum number of meetings per ticket owner, as hosted buyers choose who they meet with. We don’t force anyone to have meetings they don’t need to.

Plus Math

What are the different ticket categories?


Reduced price is only guaranteed for startups and scaleups (tech-driven companies with a scalable business model) founded in 2014 or later with fewer than 100 employees. If you don’t belong to this category, please choose Attendee or Vendor ticket.


Our Investor Ticket is for individuals working for entities making direct investments in startups or venture capital funds – VCs, CVCs, LPs, Family Offices, Busines Angels, and M&A Investors. This category is also for founders or employees of accelerators and incubators.


Our general attendee ticket - a full two-day pass to all stages and networking areas. This ticket type does NOT give you the ability to schedule meetings with hosted buyers. If you're a solution provider looking for sales meetings, please choose Vendor ticket.


Choose this ticket type if you're providing technological solutions looking for connections with key buyers. This ticket type grants you the ability to schedule meetings with hosted buyers.

Plus Math

Is there a possibility to get a refund if I am not able to come?

Unfortunately, the tickets are non-refundable. If you can find someone who can attend the event instead of you, it’s possible to transfer the ticket to another person as long as the change has been made before the event. To do so please use the link in the email you received after your purchase. (Pro-Tip: Search for “Vivenu” in your email program).

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Plus Math

What type of buyers would I be meeting with?

The hosted buyers attending must work for a nationwide or global organization part of one of the following ecosystem stakeholders:

a) Government

b) Industry

c) Academia

The buyers must further be looking for a solution or partnership for their business and be responsible for buying or evaluating health technology solutions for their organizations.

Plus Math

How do I schedule meetings with hosted buyers?

Both parties have to agree for a meeting to be confirmed. Simply click ‘Connect' and then 'Suggest meeting' on a buyer profile to initiate a request. If the buyer accepts, you will choose a mutually available time to book the meeting. Buyers can also request a meeting with you.

Plus Math

Are there tickets for students?

We do not offer tickets for students. But if you are an enrolled student you can become a volunteer. We will soon share further details on how to become a volunteer on our website.

Plus Math

When will I be able to schedule meetings with hosted buyers?

The hosted buyer platform will launch up to three weeks prior to 2024. Meetings can be scheduled and rescheduled any time until and even during 2024.

Plus Math

Are there tickets for journalists?

Journalists should get special media passes to attend the conference. In order to get one, each journalist needs to go through the accreditation process. You can start the process here.

We have a limited number of media passes available. Each application is reviewed individually.

Podcasters, bloggers, and any solo-media creators are strongly encouraged to check our Network Partnership offer.

Communications and PR professionals and non-editorial employees of media companies are kindly advised to purchase an Attendee Pass.

Plus Math

When will the hosted buyer meetings take place?

The hosted buyer meetings will take place during the two conference days on 5-6 June 2024 based on the conference's opening hours in a dedicated meeting area on the show floor. When the hosted buyer platform launches up to three weeks prior to the event, participants will be able to manage their availability. Since these are double opt-in meetings, the appointments take place at times when both parties are available.

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A unique event filled with networking, workshops, seminars, and engaging conversations with the industry's leading experts.